Dental Implants

Dental Implants
If you are missing a tooth or several teeth or maybe soon will be missing a tooth, you should consider dental implants. Implants are now considered the premier choice for tooth replacement.
Dental implants are actually titanium root replacements. Dr. Bielkie has extensive training in placement and restoration of dental implants. And modern advancements have now made it possible to often place the implant on the same day that the tooth is removed. Also, improvement in bone growth has now made it possible to place implants where we once thought it was impossible.
Dental implants are proven to be an extremely predictable long-lasting restorative option. Implants can replace individual missing teeth or with high-tech attachments can anchor dentures or partials. We invite you to make your implant consultation today so we can discuss the specifics of your particular situation.
Schedule Your Appointment for Dental Implants
Shelby Township (586) 739-6400
St. Clair Shores (586) 771-3440
Clinton Township (586) 412-7100
Complete the Form Below and We Will Contact You Shortly.
$89 New Patient Special
Dental Exam, X-Rays & Cleaning!
Shelby Township: (586) 739-6400
St. Clair Shores: (586) 771-3440
Clinton Township: (586) 412 -7100
We will make every effort to see emergencies the same day! Book Appointment